Frequently Asked Questions

1. Organization establishment year ?
GCTI is working from 2014, completed 10 years of satisfied service.

2. Is organization Govt. Approved ?
Yes, GCTI is established under UECT. Which is Registered by Govt. of India, N.C.T. New Delhi & also Registered by Govt. of Gujarat.

3. How many courses are provided by organization ?
There are 50+ courses provided by organization. Like... Short term courses, 3 Month courses, 6 Month courses, 1 year courses & also 2 year course is available.

4. Is there any other courses available ?
Yes, there are Typing, Hand Writing Improvement, Spoken English, Beauty Assistant & Sawing Machine Training course available under Skill Development of GCTI.

5. What is the mode of exam ?
GCTI arranging online exam for student exam. And also providing demo exam for student practice.

6. Is student login available ?
Yes, GCTI provide the student login with all the required details, including digital i-card and digital certificate after submission of marks by center.

7. What is the process for certificate issue after exam ?
GCTI issue the certificates within 10 days after exam.

8. Is there any verification of student on GCTI website ?
Yes, GCTI provide online verification for each student who enrolled by GCTI Center.

9. Is there any provision for direct certificate ?

10. What is the payment mode ?
Online only. GCTI providing payment link on site. So, there is no chance of fraud.

11. Is there any facility for online training ?
No, we provide training at our authorized center only.